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Friday, April 26, 2019


So I'll start by introducing myself and then, the blog. Here goes: 
I'm MLJ, a Nigerian writer, avid reader, blunt realist, and 'global citizen'. I'm a big fan of directness, math, arguments and big cats. Can't find what they all have in common? It's my love! Anyways, I am passionate about writing, self improvement and positive progress for Africa. Hence, I will be addressing the last in this blog. 

I find that most parts of the world are actively seeking ways to grow and move forward in all the good ways, but many African countries have chosen to establish themselves on the opposite path. 

In my blog posts, I will be analyzing, as informally as possible, Africa's relationship with the rest of the world; her current, recent and past troubles, and how they affect her; what hope there is for her, and just what she is doing right, or wrong. 

Seeing that this is my blog, sometimes I will enforce my rights to delve into matters unrelated to those I have expressed the wish to address <smiles> but I will return home eventually. 

This blog will make things as simple as possible, and as a literary firestarter, I will be looking to ignite new fires in your mind, challenging you to see issues deeper and brighter than normal. My aim is to inspire you to deeper thought, which will hopefully lead to mature, peaceful, timely and sensibly impactful action.
Keep reading! Keep thinking! Keep planning! And never forget to keep moving and acting!

*This blog is dedicated to American YA author, Kay Castaneda, who more than once advised me to do something with my talks and thoughts about Nigeria.

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