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Monday, May 6, 2019


I'd like to ask Nigerians the question: 'You spent so much effort driving out the military from power and 20 years later, wetin we gain?' By the time the infrastructure that the military put on ground expires, we will start jumping from tree branch to tree branch, right? Yes na, since all the roads will be useless, despite all the loans from China, Sukuk, London, Paris, etc. The military never waited for China o. After a bloody war with devastating effects, a certain youth by the name of Gowon, within a few years, criscrossed this country with roads and other vital infrastructure in the 70s as if it was the 22nd century! Compare that to the youth of nowadays. He's probably still waiting for them to call off the strike so he can complete his 7th year on his 4year course. 
The military never waited for Dangote to build a refinery o, they built their own: the ones we have failed to manage today. Even IBB of all people built the 3rd Mainland Bridge we all still use today. How many years ago was that? Some of these politicians' roads cannot last for 24 hours, overnight rain go wash am comot. The universities, stadiums, teacher training schools, colleges of education, etc. that were built during the military era, have we replaced them? Replace kwa! We can't even renovate them or even maintain them sef. 
The power is now back in the hands of the people, but what have we done with it so far? They said 'vote and one man will come from nowhere and take us to the Promised Land as if we kept any land somewhere'. After voting in 1999, the man did not appear. They said, 'vote again and the man will just land now now now'. After 2003 elections, the man was still nowhere to be found. Meanwhile, hunger dey sama man. But another voting in 2007, 2011, 2015, still no man. So where is this man?? Maybe it's traffic that's delaying him. You know Lagos roads na. Anyway, 2019 is slowly passing out and we're yet to see the man. We used our own hands to destroy our own country and we sit back waiting for a fantastic knight in shining armor to come and clear all our mess. Some people will say, 'supposing they did not annul June 12, we would have been in El Dorado by now'. They annulled June 12, but they did not annul June 13 and 14. By the way, that election would have also produced a politician. A Nigerian politician, not a spirit. What made Abiola or Tofa so special and superhuman and different from every other Nigerian politician? Stomach infrastructure? IBB was also doing it na. Anyway, I'm not seeking to condemn political rule and appraise military dictatorship. No. Even though, I prefer the latter, I'm seeking to make you understand that 'In Us Lies All The Fault'. The good leaders, bad leaders, military leaders, politicians.. they are all Nigerians. When we reject their mistakes and failings as foreign objects and deny ever knowing them, then we will do nothing but fail. You cannot begin to imagine the number of bad things the American military has done within and outside the US, but still the Americans don't hate hearing about their military like we do ours. Give credit to whom credit is due, accept your mistakes, correct them, don't repeat history and work ahead. Rwanda is a perfect example. Wrecked by genocide and war 25 years ago, they still rose up, found their feet and are now leading Africa in many areas. Why can't we do the same when our war was 50 years ago? No, we can't! Why? Because it's much easier to blame Obasanjo and curse Abacha while living in a condition far worse than the one they left us in.

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