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Friday, June 21, 2019

LEAVE THEM ALONE! 2 - Minding the African Business

Being victims of racism is not really a big problem for Blacks. One of our major problems is that we're too full. We're too full of good things, but too much of everything is bad. Take an empty barrel for instance. It's so noisy and troublesome. You call that a White man? Correct! Someone like Trump. But look at a barrel that's full. You know it's problem? It can't move! While the empty barrel is noisily rattling off to new things, the full one is just stuck there, grumbling. That's the Black man! Someone from Nigeria especially. 

Mundayan Living quoted Muhammad Ali as saying that despite all his success, America would always have its White idol and someone commented, saying: 'Was Ali really that insecure?' It made me smile bitterly. Because Ali and many other Black Americans are really very insecure. So insecure, bitter and angry that they can sometimes look very scary to not only Whites, but other Blacks. Think one-time racist, Malcolm X whom I think America honors out of fear than respect. Now, these guys, those of them that have decided to work hard, will always crane their necks to look at how the White man is faring. Is that really necessary? Why can't you just mind your business? Why do you think you should always be ahead of the White man? We're all equals! At least until somebody claims to be superior. Even then, it's not our job to answer them. Actions, they say, speak louder than words. And you don't have to act because the White man is watching or because you wanna prove a point. You have to act because you have to act, because you can act, because you should act, because you MUST act!

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