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Friday, June 21, 2019

AFRICA: A Continent Misrepresented

I think I just found a few words to represent what I've been trying to communicate for some months now: "Africa is not a continent for Blacks alone". 

When people think of Africa, what comes to their mind is 'Blacks' or a 'Black country'. Black Americans regard themselves by default to be African-Americans. That's wrong! Africa is a continent. It is not a country, or a town, or a village like most Americans think. Africans are not a bunch of similar-colored straws, we are a very diverse continent. This great continent houses Whites, Arabs, different shades of Black, and even Semitics and semi-Hispanics. 

Let me give you an example to make things a little clearer. If you say you're in America and the weather's quite warm, I might think you're a liar. Why? Because my friend who's also in America tells me it's cold over there. But the truth is you can both be right! How? My friend could be in Chile and you can be in the US, but you're both in America! The same applies to Africa. We're also spread over two hemispheres. We have thousands of languages, over 50 different countries, different currencies, different flags, different religions, different forms of government, different laws, different mindsets, different climates, etc. etc. So it is very imperative you think of us as a continent, not as some obscure place. 

The word 'African-American' is wrong and abnormal. Compare it to British-Nigerian. Do they look alike? Of course not! One's nation-nation, another's continent-nation. Not everyone who's Black is African. So a Black person who's an American is a Black American. Everyone who's a citizen of and belonging to countries in the continent of Africa is an African, be he Black, Arab, or White!

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